DNA breaks. Ends get joined.

Our research is centered on understanding the fundamental and coordinate processes that repair our genome when double-stranded DNA ends become exposed. We employ a multi-functional DNA junction mapping platform designed to infer the genome-wide impacts of modulating DNA integrity.

Fishing for junctions


The high-throughput genome-wide translocation sequencing (HTGTS) platform, as a core function identifies recurrent “prey” double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) via their translocation to a “bait” DSB. We leverage this junction mapping platform in a number of different contexts to gain a better understanding of nuclear processes.

Our functional genomics projects cover many different fields: radiation and cancer biology, genome editing, immunology, and cell cycle phase restricted DSB repair.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for talented investigators and new opportunities to collaborate. If interested, please get in touch using the button below.