Make the connection
We’re growing…
Much of our research relies on both the wet lab (bench and hood) and the dry lab (programming and informatics) experience. If you are willing to get familiar with the unfamiliar then contact us!
Postdoctoral candidates: please provide your CV & specific research interests; also connect with us via PRISM or Propel
Graduate students: reach out to discuss projects / lab rotation; open to all home programs including Cancer Biology
Interns @Stanford, StanfordMed, STEM or elsewhere: express your interest and provide a resume in the fall/winter for the coming summer
Interested in learning more, joining our team, collaborating, or wanting to support our research? Hit the contact button.
You can e-mail Micah Kelly if you wish to include documents.
Micah Kelly
Administrative Associate mkelly3@stanford.edu
(650) 736-4757
Stanford University Medical Center, CCSR 1255
Stanford, California 94305